Triceps Push Down - Rope Attachment

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Triceps Lats Abdominals Strength High Low Cable Machine Cable Rope Attachment Push Gym

Purpose: This exercise is used to target the triceps muscle to develop size, definition, strength, endurance and power.

Benefits: This exercise works the outer heads of the triceps.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent facing towards a high pulley cable machine, about one foot away from the pulley. Grasp a rope cable attachment with palms facing each other. Your elbows should be about two inches in front of your body.. This is your starting position. Press the rope down in an arc with your triceps. Do not move your elbows, keeping them two inches in front of your body. Exhale during this movement. Keep your shoulders down. Reverse the motion to raise the rope. Allow your hands to come up to your chin. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The triceps muscle group are straight muscles with three heads. All three heads straighten the elbow while the long head, crossing the shoulder joint also adducts the shoulder (pulls it down from the side) and extends the shoulder (pulls it down from the front).

Step 1

Stand upright, holding a cable rope with palms facing each other, about one foot from the pulley.


Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent facing towards a high pulley cable machine, about one foot away from the pulley. Grasp a rope cable attachment with palms facing each other. Your elbows should be about two inches in front of your body.. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Press the rope down in an arc without moving your elbows, shoulders down.


Press the rope down in an arc with your triceps. Do not move your elbows, keeping them two inches in front of your body. Exhale during this movement. Keep your shoulders down.

Step 3

Reverse the motion to raise the rope. Allow your hands to come up to your chin.


Reverse the motion to raise the rope. Allow your hands to come up to your chin. Inhale during this movement.